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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which appear in About the Journal.
  • The submission file is anonymized and in Microsoft Word format.

Author Guidelines



Verbum et Lingua: Didáctica, Lengua y Cultura is a biannual electronic journal published by the Modern Languages Department within the University of Guadalajara. Its main objective is to publish unpublished articles on research, reflection and pedagogical intervention, as well as interviews and reviews on didactics, linguistic and cultural studies written by national and international specialists, researchers and academics. The target audience is all individuals interested in knowledge, research, language and cultural aspects. Papers submitted to the journal must be original and unpublished and must not have been sent for evaluation to other journals. Papers should contain the following information: a) title of the paper; b) name and surname of the author(s); c) name of the institution to which they belong; d) e-mail address(es) where additional information can be requested or possible queries can be made; e) ORCID. Contributions are welcome in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish. Texts should be sent to the following address:

Specificities of the three types of items:

  • Research article: comply with the above requirements and contain introduction, methodology, results and discussion, conclusion; bibliographical references.


  • Reflection article: comply with the above requirements and contain introduction (justification of the topic, problem, hypothesis/scientific objectives, approach); articulated development; conclusion; bibliographical references.


  • Pedagogical intervention article: comply with the above requirements and contain materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusions, bibliographical references.


Editorial process:

Once the Editorial Board verifies that the contributions comply with the basic requirements of the journal. Before sending the text to peers outside the University of Guadalajara for evaluation, the authors will sign a letter of originality that states it was submitted to another publisher. Articles will be evaluated according to criteria of relevance, originality, research rigor and unpublished character. Peer reviewers may:

  • accept without modification
  • accept with minor modifications
  • accept with major modifications
  • reject the proposed articles


The journal will notify its authors of the Editorial Board’s decision by e-mail in all cases.

If the article is accepted with changes, the authors have three weeks to submit the new version with the modifications indicated by the reviewers.

Once the final text has been approved, the authors must sign a letter of transfer of rights to the journal Verbum et Lingua: Didáctica, lengua y cultura, through which they will transfer the publication rights.


Contributions must comply with the following rules:

Document’s presentation


The text should be presented with a letter-size page layout, two and a half centimeter margins, justified paragraphs, 1.5 line spacing (no extra spaces between paragraphs), Arial twelve-point font.

Linguistic articles with special characters must also attach another file in PDF format. If graphic material is included, it must be submitted in JPG or compatible format with at least 300 dpi resolution, and the authors or third parties must have the rights to produce such graphics, images, photographs, artistic works, etc.

Extension. Articles should be between 5,000 and 8,000 words in length, including the abstract, references and citations. The Editorial Board reserves the right to consider particular cases. Authors are advised not to use more than 15% of the words of the full text in references and annexes.

If the authors of the contribution write in a foreign language, we request that their text be reviewed by a native speaker with linguistic knowledge, preferably in the area.

Title. The articles should have the title in the language in which the paper is submitted and its respective translation into English. In case the language of the paper is English, then its translation into Spanish should be submitted.

Abstract and keywords. Articles should include an abstract in the language in which the paper is submitted (maximum 250 words) and keywords (maximum five). Both the abstract and the keywords should be translated into English, being the authors responsible for the translation. In case the language of the paper is English, then its translation into Spanish should be submitted.

Structure. The sections of the text must maintain the following structure:




Abstract in other language

Keywords in other language

  1. Introduction
  2. Section’s title

2.1. Sub-section’s title

  1. Section’s title

3.1 Subsection’s title (and so on with the following sections and sub-sections)

  1. Conclusion

Notes should be included within the text

Diagrams and images should be visible and with the source, they should also be integrated into the body of the text.

Quotations and references

Quotations of less than forty words are incorporated in the text in quotation marks. Quotations of forty words or more are included in a separate paragraph and indented. The font size for these quotations is eleven points and single spacing.

Likewise, for quotations, the author may leave the quotation in the source language or investigate whether the translation already exists in the language of publication or translate it and say "the translation is mine".

References in the body of the text are presented in parentheses with the following information: author, year and page (Arias, 2016, p. 35).

Footnotes should be used only for the author's marginal comments and should be brief, avoiding excessive use. The font size is ten points and single spacing. The footnote number should follow the punctuation mark.

Graphs, tables, diagrams and figures must be original, numbered and accompanied by a footnote explanation. Photographs, if not original, must have their respective reproduction rights.

The list of bibliographical references should be at the end of the article and only the works cited therein should be included.


  • To quote books:

Gutiérrez Cham, G. (2014). Discurso mítico en El reino de este mundo. Guadalajara: Universidad de Guadalajara.

  • To quote book chapters:

Ramos Godínez, M. (2016). Análisis argumentativo del personaje omnisciente, Celaya, en la novela Caramelo de Sandra Cisneros. En G. Gutiérrez Cham, G. Mugford Fowler y R. H. Yáñez Rosales (Coords.), Argumentación discursiva en textos orales y escritos (pp. 41-71). Guadalajara: Universidad de Guadalajara.

  • For journal articles:

Márquez Estrada, H. (2013). Usos y abusos en la evaluación a partir de un producto derivado del Marco Común Europeo de Referencia. Verbum et Lingua, 3: 35-56.

For further details, please refer to APA Standards, 6th edition (2010).


It is stated that the journal ensures that no more than 25% of the articles in each issue come from authors assigned to the University of Guadalajara.

This is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available to the user or their institution. Users may read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full text of articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without seeking prior permission from the publisher or author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.


Esta sección es para ensayos académicos. Todas las postulantes serán procesadas a doble ciego. Todas las postulantes deberán cumplir con los lineamientos de ensayos.


Esta sección es para artículos académicos. Todas las postulantes serán procesadas a doble ciego. Todas las postulantes deberán cumplir con los lineamientos de artículos.


Esta sección es para reseñas académicos. Todas las postulantes serán procesadas a doble ciego. Todas las postulantes deberán cumplir con los lineamientos de reseñas.


Esta sección es para entrevistas académicas. Todas las postulantes serán procesadas a doble ciego. Todas las postulantes deberán cumplir con los lineamientos de entrevistas.

Privacy Statement

Los nombres y las direcciones de correo electrónico introducidos en esta revista se usarán exclusivamente para los fines establecidos en ella y no se proporcionarán a terceros o para su uso con otros fines.

Ver política de privacidad de la Universidad de Guadalajara: