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Acceptability evaluation on biorational texts with congruent and incongruent connectors by college students.


  • admin admin Universidad de Guadalajara
  • Victor Javier Sánchez González Universidad de Guadalajara
  • Luis Miguel Sánchez-Loyo Universidad de Guadalajara



Text comprehension, Acceptability, Reading, Psycholinguistics, Spanish language


The aim of the present study was to analyze the two sentences text acceptability with congruent and incongruent connectors by college students. The study sample was 172 university students, who evaluated online 210 texts (conformed by two sentences) designed according to five possible conditions related to the connectors and the ending in the second sentence: adversative connector – congruent ending, connector additive – congruent ending, adversative connector – incongruent ending, additive connector – incongruent ending and, inadequate connector. All results were analyzed with non-parametric tests. Higher number of correct responses in the acceptability was observed on the incongruent connector and inadequate connector conditions, compared with both congruent connector conditions. Likewise, meaningful differences were found on the correct responses score between areas of knowledge, where the students of the Social Sciences and Humanities area had the lowest score in the acceptability compared to the students of other areas of knowledge. Discussion remarks the differentiated the score of acceptability between congruent versus incongruent items, and the significant acceptability difference among knowledge areas of participants. Text acceptability tasks can be used to study the functions of connectors used by students from different areas of knowledge.


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How to Cite

Limón-Fernández, H. A., Sánchez González, V. J., & Sánchez-Loyo, L. M. (2022). Acceptability evaluation on biorational texts with congruent and incongruent connectors by college students. Verbum Et Lingua: Didáctica, Lengua Y Cultura, (20), 39–54.