Translation of Travel Literature in El álbum mexicano (1849): An Analysis of the Role of Translation as a Mirror of Identity


  • Olivia Correa Larios Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas



travel literature,, translation, appropriation, identity formation, 19th century


El álbum mexicano was a literary journal published in Mexico during 1849 aiming to spread Mexican topics. Initially the editors expressed their intention of promoting the local literature while preventing the journal from being an echo of foreign writing. However, they stated that they would publish texts of travelers who had visited the country in order for their readers to know “what others say and have said about us.” This study aims to identify the travel literature published by El álbum mexicano in order to explore the way in which the editors confronted the cultural representations present in such texts. The analysis focuses mainly on introductory notes, articles, critical essays and translators’ notes that were published together with the travelers’ texts and that give an account of the function of translation in identity formation of nineteenth-century Mexico. The reflections resulting from this study take into account, among other contributions, Georges Bastin’s notion of appropriation, understood as a translation that includes adaptations, manipulations and creations, as well as the idea of Gertrudis Payás about translation as a tool in the construction of new cultural identities that was especially useful in the societies that emerged after the independence processes of the Spanish colonies in America.


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Author Biography

Olivia Correa Larios, Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas

  • Lic. en Arquitectura, ITZ
  • Especialidad en Lingüística y Traducción, Universidad Abierta de Cataluña
  • Maestría en Investigaciones Humanísticas y Educativas, UAZ
  • Maestría en Traducción Especializada, Universidad Abierta de Cataluña
  • C2 Inglés
  • C1 Francés
  • C2 Italian


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Olivia Correa Larios



How to Cite

Correa Larios, O. (2018). Translation of Travel Literature in El álbum mexicano (1849): An Analysis of the Role of Translation as a Mirror of Identity. Verbum Et Lingua: Didáctica, Lengua Y Cultura, (11), 64–74.