Development of communicative competencies for professional purposes through the students’ perspectives


  • Myrna Elizabeth Balderas Garza
  • Eloísa Alcocer Vázquez Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán
  • María Teresa Gullotti Vázquez Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán



Communicative competencies, professional training, academic talks


This study is aimed at analyzing the students’ perspectives about the use of strategies for the development of communicative competencies for professional purposes. It focuses on the experience the students had when participating in academic conversations in an open audience. It follows a qualitative and interpretive approach where three focus groups with 17 pre-service teachers of the ba in elt of the Autonomous University of Yucatan who participated in the academic conversations 2016 as speakers. The emergent analysis categories were verified through different research methods such as an online survey with open questions and after a year, a sample of the participants was interviewed again aimed at consolidating the analysis of the strategy considering the role now as in-service teachers. Among the results, it seems to be that the students give a symbolic value to the activity as a moment where the self-awareness of the acquisition of the exit competencies stated in the study program of the degree where they are enrolled. Besides, this activity allows them to see themselves as a role model for the upcoming groups of students and contribute to their future colleagues training process. Likewise, the activity seems to be relevant at a personal level, as it seemed to have motivated them to overcome obstacles and stage fear and put in practice academic skills such as the search of relevant information as well as the organization and planning of the academic discourse.


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Myrna Elizabeth Balderas Garza, Eloísa Alcocer Vázquez y María Teresa Gullotti Vázquez



How to Cite

Balderas Garza, M. E., Alcocer Vázquez, E., & Gullotti Vázquez, M. T. (2017). Development of communicative competencies for professional purposes through the students’ perspectives. Verbum Et Lingua: Didáctica, Lengua Y Cultura, (10), 86–102.