Análisis microgenético para la enseñanza de complementos infinitivos y gerundios en inglés como L2 con estudiantes mexicanos universitarios: un estudio cualitativo
complementos de infinitivo y gerundio, gerundio, consciencia metalingüística, perspectiva socioculturalAbstract
Abstract: Throughout the article, the process of developing metalinguistic awareness of infinitive and gerund complements in English as L2 with Mexican university students is presented to facilitate their acquisition in a collaborative, reflective and introspective context. The study takes as a support framework a sociocultural theoretical perspective that is oriented from a microgenetic analysis to promote the use and conscious manipulation of grammatical rules. Given that previous studies suggest inquiring more with young university students, addressing collective motivational perspectives, and exploring with qualitative approaches, it is intended to explore the origin and changes implemented by sixteen Mexican university students of the Bachelor of Modern Languages in English through individual and decontextualized analysis of sentences in L2 to detect usage patterns and collectively suggest grammar rules. The findings could reveal the possible cognitive factors that link the acquisition of infinitives and gerunds as direct objects in L2 through interaction and collective reflection. These results would have direct implications in the investigation of the metacognition of Mexican university students.
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