Identification of two kinds of digressions in Mexican and French speech


  • Berenice Elizalde Ayala Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México



Digression,, speech, cognitive schemata, intercultural interaction, cultural scripts.


This research seeks to identify the digressions in the Mexican and French speech. They have been conducted four qualitative interviews with the purpose of obtaining oral narratives. These interviews were conducted with four participants, two Mexican women and two French women. Digressions identified in each interview were classified into 2 different types. The topics that generate these digressions were analized as well as the quantity and the function of these digressions. The results about the digressions, the topics that generate them, the quantity and their fonctions were contrasted in Spanish interviews and French interviews. It is concluded that Mexican introduce more digressions in their speech that French people, and that the purpose of their digressions varies according to their culture.


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Berenice Elizalde Ayala



How to Cite

Elizalde Ayala, B. (2016). Identification of two kinds of digressions in Mexican and French speech. Verbum Et Lingua: Didáctica, Lengua Y Cultura, (8), 92–111.