Narratives of Equity in English as a Foreign Language teaching


  • Ruth Ban Barry University



English as a foreign language;, narrative inquiry;, young learners;, PNIEB.


This article seeks to depict the experiences of young English learners in diverse public primary schools in Mexico. This narrative inquiry examines how students view their English learning process in the PNIEB (Programa Naciónal de Inglés en Enseñanza Básica) program. This narrative inquiry was re-storied from data from qualitative impact studies conducted between November 2012 and June 2015 as part of impact studies (Sayer and Ban, 2013) in three different states in Mexico. This article reports the narratives of three young people who are students in public primary schools and how they portray the sociocultural differences in the way this educational initiative has been implemented through their stories. Reflections on the students’ perspective point to a positive disposition to study English, connections to their real lives and a desire to have good teachers. Tensions and conflicts of equity across schools and students are highlighted as cited as challenges for the implementation of this program.


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Author Biography

Ruth Ban, Barry University

Ruth Ban es profesora asociada en el Departamento de Currículo e Instrucción. Tiene un doctorado en Adquisición de Segunda Lengua y Tecnología de Instrucción de la Universidad del Sur de Florida y una maestría en TESOL de la Universidad de Londres, Reino Unido. Ha impartido cursos de Enseñanza de Inglés para Hablantes de Otros Idiomas (TESOL) en los Estados Unidos y México durante la última década. Sus intereses de investigación incluyen el aprendizaje de la lengua inglesa, la identidad del profesor, las aplicaciones de la tecnología para enseñar a los estudiantes de lengua inglesa y la enseñanza y aprendizaje de la investigación cualitativa.


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Ruth Ban



How to Cite

Ban, R. (2015). Narratives of Equity in English as a Foreign Language teaching. Verbum Et Lingua: Didáctica, Lengua Y Cultura, (6), 94–106.