The Use Of Diminutives In Spanish Sung Music: A Morphopragmatic Analysis


  • Alexis Missael Vizcaíno Quirarte Universidad de Guadalajara



Morphopragmatics, Spanish songs, diminutives, emotions


Abstract: This study analyzes the use of diminutives in 20 Spanish songs from a morphopragmatic perspective, with the aim of identifying the contexts and functions they serve in communication. The results indicate that diminutives are most frequently used to express affection, followed by pejorative meaning and, to a lesser extent, littleness. These findings contrast with the traditional semantic notion that diminutives are mainly used to indicate smallness. Furthermore, the study reveals that diminutives are used consistently in different subgenres of the discursive genre of song in Spanish. As Fernández Soriano (2013) points out, diminutives in children's poetry fulfill an expressive and emotional function that is not found in the common language. Similarly, this study found that diminutives in songs are mainly used to express affection and kindness. In conclusion, this descriptive study highlights the importance of analyzing the morphopragmatic use of diminutives in different linguistic contexts, and points the need to revise and update the traditional semantic notion of this phenomenon.

Keywords: Morphopragmatics, Spanish songs, diminutives, emotions.


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Spanish Linguist. (13 de 11 de 2016). Recuperado el 30 de 11 de 2021, de



How to Cite

Vizcaíno Quirarte, A. M. (2024). The Use Of Diminutives In Spanish Sung Music: A Morphopragmatic Analysis. Verbum Et Lingua: Didáctica, Lengua Y Cultura, (23), 151–174.