Learning Culture Can Also Be Fun: Didactic Proposal to Increase Motivation in the Spanish Language Lab


  • admin admin Universidad de Sevilla, España / Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, Alemania




motivation, didactic proposal, digital activities, Spanish as L2, higher education


Motivating L2 students is a difficult endeavor, especially when their motivation is instrumental. This difficulty becomes a challenge when the aim is teaching these students about the culture of the L2(s) which they are learning. In order for the learning process to be successful and for the students to participate in class (Lantolf, 2000), learners must find the material interesting and fun (Schütz, 1998). One of the tools that language instructors can use to achieve this are games, which have numerous benefits (cf. Gozcu & Caganaga, 2016; Rico et al., 2015). This paper presents a didactic proposal based on games developed through the new technologies. The teaching unit was designed and implemented by our group of Fulbright grantees, for the celebration of two cultural weeks in the Spanish labs: Spain and Mexico. The aim of this lessons was not only to increase students’ motivation, but also their willingness to learn about the culture of Spanish-speaking countries. Finally, the paper also shows part of the results obtained in a questionnaire about motivation completed by a percentage of the author’s students, which reveal that the didactic proposal was a complete success. 


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How to Cite

Company Almagro, R. (2022). Learning Culture Can Also Be Fun: Didactic Proposal to Increase Motivation in the Spanish Language Lab. Verbum Et Lingua: Didáctica, Lengua Y Cultura, (21), 21–35. https://doi.org/10.32870/vel.vi21.189