Exploratory study about subordinate and compound bilingualism, language problems and emotional disorders.


  • admin admin Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  • Claudia Cuchet-Monterrubio Liceo Franco Mexicano




Bilingualism, Lexicon density, Depression


Given the impact that bilingualism has on the psychological, neurological, educational and social development of the child, it is a thematic area that needs to be studied. From this approach, the purpose of this quantitative and qualitative study is to analyze the following research question: Can bilingualism cause problems learning in the mother tongue and emotional disorders in childhood? To that end, we focus on subordinate bilingualism, understood as the consolidated development of the mother tongue and the incomplete development of the second language, and compound bilingualism, that is, the development of two mixed and dependent linguistic systems, with bidirectional interference. Epshtein (cited by Vygotsky, 1935, 2000) states that these two types of bilingualism imply that the speaker experiences an inhibition and confusion of the connections between ideas and, therefore, a cognitive conflict. In addition, according to this author, subordinate and compound bilingualism can cause learning and language problems, and psychological disorders. Our results denoted a negative impact of subordinate and compound bilingualism, on the lexical density scale and on emotional disorders.


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How to Cite

Signoret Dorcasberro, A. M., & Cuchet-Monterrubio, C. (2022). Exploratory study about subordinate and compound bilingualism, language problems and emotional disorders. Verbum Et Lingua: Didáctica, Lengua Y Cultura, (20), 71–107. https://doi.org/10.32870/vel.vi20.185