La The bilingual acquisition of the verbal system of the past and the future of narrative discourse: The case of Mexican students who learn English-L2*


  • Alina María Signoret Dorcasberro UNAM
  • Alma Luz Rodríguez Lázaro UNAM
  • Rosa Esther Delgadillo Macías UNAM



Adquisition, Bilinguism, Narrative discourse, Interlanguage, English as a Foreign Language


The aim of this article is to explore bilingual language acquisition development and the role of the Interlanguage (IL) in learners of English as a foreign language (L2). In this article, IL is considered independent to the first language (L1) and to foreign language (Lightbown y Spada, 2013: 220). IL is understood as the L2 development through observed errors in the L2 narrative discourse. These observed errors in the L2 described under the IL scheme were later characterized into the compound, subordinated and coordinated types of bilingualism. The results are focused on the past and future verbal systems of the narrative discourse in the L2. keywords: Adquisition, bilingualism, narrative discourse, interlanguage, English as a Foreign Language.


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Verbum 18 AS, AR, RD



How to Cite

Signoret Dorcasberro, A. M., Rodríguez Lázaro, A. L., & Delgadillo Macías, R. E. (2022). La The bilingual acquisition of the verbal system of the past and the future of narrative discourse: The case of Mexican students who learn English-L2*. Verbum Et Lingua: Didáctica, Lengua Y Cultura, (18), 6–31.