Co-enseñanza: factor de éxito en la formación docente mediante prácticas colaborativas y asesoramiento profesional


  • Ana Cortez Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
  • Dan Serrato Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León



Teacher training, preservice teachers,, co-teaching, collaborative practice, professional advice


The emphasis of the present study was to design a didactic proposal to help preservice teachers to develop their teaching skills through collaboration and guidance from expert teachers on the field of linguistics and education. This study is based on the co-teaching model that is defined as the joint work of two teachers with the same group of students sharing planning, organization, delivery as well as physical space (Bacharach, Heck and Dahlberg, 2010). Co-teaching promotes coaching and training for preservice teachers to apply theory into practice during the different steps of teaching: co-planning, co-delivering, and co-evaluation (Conderman and Hedin, 2012).

This research looked for the conceptions that preservice teachers had about  the teaching practicum as well as the roles that cooperating teachers took regarding the supervision of preservice teachers. According to the findings preservice teachers realized they did not collaborate with cooperating teachers during planning, delivery and evaluation of the lessons. On the other hand, cooperating teachers were aware of the need of establishing collaborative teaching roles through a formal regulation that fosters commitment between participants. This article shows the results up to the planning phase that is the research stage; action phase and evaluation phase are already in progress.


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Ana Cortez y Dan Serrato



How to Cite

Cortez, A., & Serrato, D. (2018). Co-enseñanza: factor de éxito en la formación docente mediante prácticas colaborativas y asesoramiento profesional. Verbum Et Lingua: Didáctica, Lengua Y Cultura, (11), 43–63.