En busca de un arte políticamente comprometido: México y sus artistas plásticos en la obra de Bodo Uhse


  • Sandra Patricia Lamas Barajas Universidad de Leipzig




Bodo Uhse, German Exile in Mexico,, Mexican Muralism,, Literature of the German Democratic Republic,, Magazine Free Germany-Freies Deutschland.


This paper analyzes the writings of Bodo Uhse which address important figures of Mexican art, such as José Guadalupe Posada, David Alfaro Siqueiros and Diego Rivera. These texts are Black and White (Schwarz auf Weiss), About The Importance of The Commission (Von der Bedeutung des Auftrags), To Remember Diego Rivera (Diego Rivera zum Gedenken), Notes about David Alfaro Siqueiros (Notizen über David Alfaro Siqueiros) and lastly Sunday Afternoon Dream in the Alameda Park (Sonntagsträumerei in der Alameda), a fictional work based on the anecdote of Diego Rivera painting the mural of the same name. The aim of this paper is to show the development of Uhse’s thought regarding Mexico, Mexican artists and their relationship with the political class. The paper focuses especially on the question: did Uhse write with the intention to implicitly consider the political and social climate in the communist countries?


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Sandra Patricia Lamas Barajas



How to Cite

Lamas Barajas, S. P. (2015). En busca de un arte políticamente comprometido: México y sus artistas plásticos en la obra de Bodo Uhse. Verbum Et Lingua: Didáctica, Lengua Y Cultura, (6), 107–121. https://doi.org/10.32870/vel.vi6.57