Revisiting Learning Autonomy: From Theory to Teaching Practice


  • admin admin Universidad Veracruzana, México
  • María de los Ángeles Morales Sosa Universidad Veracruzana, México
  • Juan Manuel Hernández Barros Universidad Veracruzana, México



Autonomous learning, Autonomy, Learning environment, Learning strategies, Learning styles


Aiming at teachers who work in the learning-teaching foreign languages area, to know or review, and incorporate concepts of autonomy and autonomous learning, and above all, to implement them in their teaching practice, we have carried out a pertinent literature review. Therefore, we revisited terms such as: autonomy; autonomous, semi-autonomous, self-directed, semi-directed learning, as well as learning environments, styles and strategies. The term autonomous learning is reviewed from the definition that Holec provided in 1981, in which students are in charge of everything related to their learning process; then we revised the model approach to autonomy, suggested by Morrison and Navarro in 2014, in which students choose how they want to learn and what to do after class time; until we get to Peña and Cosi, who in 2017, identify self-regulation as a process that implies previous self-reflection and self-criticism. As previously mentioned, some conceptions arisen in the middle and some others related to autonomous learning are also explored. We must mention that, throughout the execution of such conceptions, they have been modified and adapted according to the actual contexts in which they have been implemented. This evolution seems to allow that, even in established education systems and in any learning environment, achieving certain level of autonomy in learning becomes feasible.


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How to Cite

Herrera Díaz, L. E., Morales Sosa, M. de los Ángeles, & Hernández Barros, J. M. (2022). Revisiting Learning Autonomy: From Theory to Teaching Practice. Verbum Et Lingua: Didáctica, Lengua Y Cultura, (20), 55–69.