Exploración del desarrollo de la competencia lingüística: el inglés como lengua extranjera


  • Luis Antonio Balderas Ruiz Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León




Linguistic competence, communicative competence, explicit instruction, implicit instruction, EFL learning


This general review explores the importance of linguistic competence (LC) in developing communicative competence (CC) among English as a foreign language (EFL) learners with a Spanish language background. An area of interest to be addressed is explicit and meaningful instruction (EI) of grammar, phonetics, morphology, and spelling meaningfully; that is through tasks focused on meaning. Chomsky’s (1965) notion of LC, along with Hymes’ (1972) notion of CC will be dealt with to support the development of this general review (De Bona, & Machado, 2012). However, the LC proposed in the Canale and Swain (1980) model of CC (Salazar, 2015) is mainly considered from the perspective of what EFL learners need to know about language through EI of the aforementioned linguistic aspects in a meaningful way. This general review will be based considering research in which EFL learners have received explicit grammar instruction through periodic communicative activities. E-books and peer-reviewed articles related to research on LC development of the CC of EFL learners will be considered. Several topics will be discussed in order to support the development of linguistic competence in English language learners.


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Author Biography

Luis Antonio Balderas Ruiz, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León

Currently I am a doctoral student in the department of Bilingual Education in the USA. I attended the Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon in Mexico where I received my Bachelor’s degree in English-Spanish Translation. I Have a Master’s of Education in English as a Second Language by Texas A&M University Kingsville, USA. For more than twenty five years I have been teaching English as a Foreign Language and Content subjects at different levels of education. My research interests include Language Awareness in Bilingual Education to develop students’ communicative competence in the native and target language through a learner-centered teaching approach.


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Luis Antonio Balderas Ruiz



How to Cite

Balderas Ruiz, L. A. (2019). Exploración del desarrollo de la competencia lingüística: el inglés como lengua extranjera. Verbum Et Lingua: Didáctica, Lengua Y Cultura, (13), 48–66. https://doi.org/10.32870/vel.vi13.121